Are you Gluten Sensitive?

Are you Gluten Sensitive?

In the past, the medical community dismissed any complaints about gluten sensitivity unless they pertained to Celiac Disease. Since Celiac was a less common situation, those that suffered were assumed to have other disorders or problems. There are specific symptoms for gluten sensitivity that you should take note of.


To begin with, if you think you are gluten sensitive it is recommended that you have yourself tested for Celiac Disease. This is important to distinguish between true gluten sensitivity and symptoms that may be caused by other medical situations.  The symptoms that you may be experiencing for gluten sensitivity include: abdominal pain, stomach upset, bloating and diarrhea, after ingesting any products that contain gluten.


There have been concerns among the medical community that many are adopting a gluten free diet without confirmation that they may suffer from Celiac Disease. By adopting the diet, the diagnosis may never be confirmed and individuals may have the disorder without knowing it.  Physicians now recognize gluten sensitivity as a real problem so there is a better reception of the symptoms and potential diagnosis than in the past. Going on a gluten-free diet without diagnosis may cause problems in that your body may not have the required antibodies to confirm the test, due to the lack of gluten your system.  A gluten-free diet without diagnosis can potentially return the body to a normal condition within three to six months, however , if the patient suffers from the disease it will be hidden.


Diagnosis for Celiac Disease is a simple blood test and will confirm whether you have the disorder or sensitivity. Celia Disease causes the lining of the small intestines to become inflamed and damaged and can make it more difficult for the body to have nutrient absorption. Without diagnosis and treatment this can lead to weight loss and malnutrition.


Gluten sensitivity does not damage the intestines and there currently isn’t a medical test to confirm the problem. You should let your primary care physician know about the symptoms. The symptoms themselves may be as drastic as those that suffer from Celiac Disease and may also include headaches and fatigue.


The importance of diagnosis can assist in the appropriate diet alteration that is needed.

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